안녕하세요 멘토님!! 외국계에 지원하고 싶어서 처음으로 레쥬메를 작성하고 있는데요! 아르바이트 경험이 많아서, Work Experience가 많이 채워졌고 더 중요한 요소라고 생각되서 첫번째 Education파트에 쓰려는 과목들 중 몇 개를 빼야 할 것 같은데 나름 연관성 있는 것들로 추려봤는데, 여기서 더 어떤 걸 빼야할지 모르겠어서 멘토님의 자문을 구해봅니다..!!! (참고로 제 전공은 이공계이며, 주로 경영과 관련된 교양을 적었고 Skills에 데이터분석프로그램인 R-programming을 다룰 줄 안다는 언급을 해두었습니다.) 필요없는 부분이나 이건 꼭 들어가야한다 라는 걸 말씀해주시면 감사하겠습니다!! • Industrial System Analysis GPA: A+ Analyzed the cause of the problem in the 1997 IMF crisis, judged the present of the Korean industry, and looked at the future Korean industry • CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility GPA: A+ Learned about entrepreneurship based on creativity and challenge spirit emphasized in modern society and SR (social responsibility). Its purpose is to cultivate the ability of entrepreneurs to continuously grow by operating businesses ethically and reasonably. • Corporate Understanding GPA:Pass The overall management activities taking place in a company through the concept and understanding of the company. Learned the knowledge and duties that must be cultivated in corporate management such as understanding management, manager roles and functions, sharing economy, marketing, brand, service, and customer relationship management. • Understanding of economy GPA: B+ Macroeconomics, determinants of long-term economic growth, savings investment and determination of interest rates in financial markets, money and prices, trade balance, international capital transactions and exchange rates, economic fluctuations, aggregate demand and supply, Phillips curve, economic stabilization policy • Information statistics GPA: B+ In descriptive statistics, learned the method of organizing data in tables and graphs, the process of summarizing data into one number, what are correlations and causal relationships, and the differences in interpretation, and the concepts and methods of experiments and research studies. As statistics, demographic statistics related to economic activity-related indicators and price index were examined.
안녕하세요. 다음 주 월요일에 미국계 반도체 회사 영업관리 신입으로 면접을 준비하며 몇 가지 도움을 요청드립니다. 문과생에 전자/기계쪽으론 문외한이라 직무분석조차 제대로 되지 않아서 국내 대기업/중견 전자부품제조업분야에서 근무 중이신 분의 도움이 필요합니다 ㅠㅠ 모집공고에 직무소개가 다음과 같이 나와있습니다. Support documentation of PCN approval and approval sheet for new design support global accont manager and field sales manager in the area of sample request/ delivery, weekly forecast update, sales report update and customer code creations, collection and delivery of failure sample in case of quality issue 1. daily sample input and shipping management(weekly 30~40 system input, 200~300 parts) 2. weekly pos number updating. Get resale report from distribution and type in report format 3. weekly report new project tracking update 4. basic system-based documentation with global account manager and field sales manager guidance 5. support sales for contract and translate and data collection which is related to sales input in system 반도체 산업은 전혀 생각지도 못한 업계 영업관리 직무에 대한 감이 전혀 오지 않습니다 ㅠㅠ 구체적으로 어떤일을 하는지 or 어떤 역량이 중요한지만이라도 소개해주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다 ^^
안녕하세요. 다음 주 월요일에 미국계 반도체 회사 영업관리 신입으로 면접을 준비하며 몇 가지 도움을 요청드립니다. 문과생에 전자/기계쪽으론 문외한이라 직무분석조차 제대로 되지 않아서 국내 대기업/중견 전자부품제조업분야에서 근무 중이신 분의 도움이 필요합니다 ㅠㅠ 모집공고에 직무소개가 다음과 같이 나와있습니다. Support documentation of PCN approval and approval sheet for new design support global accont manager and field sales manager in the area of sample request/ delivery, weekly forecast update, sales report update and customer code creations, collection and delivery of failure sample in case of quality issue 1. daily sample input and shipping management(weekly 30~40 system input, 200~300 parts) 2. weekly pos number updating. Get resale report from distribution and type in report format 3. weekly report new project tracking update 4. basic system-based documentation with global account manager and field sales manager guidance 5. support sales for contract and translate and data collection which is related to sales input in system 반도체 산업은 전혀 생각지도 못한 업계 영업관리 직무에 대한 감이 전혀 오지 않습니다 ㅠㅠ 구체적으로 어떤일을 하는지 or 어떤 역량이 중요한지만이라도 소개해주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다 ^^